An airplane passenger sparked outrage online after admitting to leaving their friend behind at the airport in a Reddit forum. The poster, sharing their story on the popular “Am I The A–hole” (AITA) subreddit, described how they and their friend were connecting through an airport with only 40 minutes before their flight was due to take off. The trouble began when they reached a mandatory immigration station and inadvertently took separate paths, causing confusion between the two travelers.

The original poster chose one route, while their friend mistakenly took another, leading to him falling behind on their journey to the gate. Despite signs indicating the way to the gate, the friend ended up on a more circuitous path and arrived too late to catch the flight. The poster, on the other hand, continued on alone, believing it was best to meet their friend at the gate. When the friend arrived and found the plane had already departed, the poster defended their decision, stating that the friend should have been more responsible and not relied on them to stay together at all times.

While the poster didn’t regret leaving their friend behind, commenters on Reddit disagreed with their actions, criticizing them for not waiting and abandoning their companion. Some felt that traveling companions should stick together and not rush ahead, while others shared their own experiences of friends leaving them behind while traveling. The consensus among commenters was that the poster’s behavior was inconsiderate and selfish, and that it reflected poorly on their friendship.

The incident highlighted the importance of communication and cooperation between travel companions, with many finding the poster’s behavior to be disrespectful and uncaring towards their friend. Despite the poster’s belief that their friend should have taken more responsibility for keeping up, the general sentiment was that leaving a companion behind was not acceptable, especially in a potentially stressful and time-sensitive situation like catching a flight. The story sparked a discussion on the etiquette of traveling with friends and the need for mutual respect and consideration in such situations.

Ultimately, the poster faced backlash for their decision to leave their friend behind at the airport, with commenters pointing out that traveling together should involve looking out for one another and not leaving someone behind, especially in a confusing and time-sensitive environment like an airport. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of sticking together and being mindful of the needs and concerns of travel companions, rather than prioritizing personal convenience over the well-being of friends. Leave no flyer behind should be the motto when traveling together as a sign of respect and friendship.

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