Travelers value customer service, an easy-to-use website, online reviews, and loyalty programs when choosing a travel brand, according to a report from Google. Brands that do not optimize these factors may miss opportunities to engage their customers. Understanding regional preferences is crucial for travel brands to meet diverse customer expectations, as perceptions of value can vary widely based on regional preferences, economic conditions, and cultural influences. Different regions place importance on varying factors, with loyalty programs being significant in the Americas but not as popular in the Asia-Pacific region, where discounts are more favored.

Travelers in the Americas value loyalty programs due to credit card usage and the benefits they provide, such as free checked bags. In the Asia-Pacific region, loyalty points have not gained the same traction, with discounts being preferred. Market fragmentation and diverse payment methods limit loyalty program uptake in some APAC markets. Payment methods also vary by region, with China favoring mobile wallets like Alipay and WeChat Pay and India adopting tokenized payment systems through the Unified Payments Interface. Travel brands should adapt booking solutions to cater to regional preferences and localized payment methods.

For travel brands to capture what travelers find valuable globally, they need a platform that supports loyalty programs at a global scale and provides robust customer support throughout the booking process. Specialized customer support is crucial when dealing with complex loyalty programs, payment methods, and currencies. Providing support in customers’ native languages is essential, as customers are more likely to be loyal to businesses that offer support in their language. Rocket Travel by Agoda communicates with customers in over 200 languages and offers specialized support for different markets.

Comprehensive planning tools and trip support are crucial for managing cross-border trips, especially for international travelers taking longer trips. By providing travelers with the tools they need to plan and manage their entire trip in one centralized location, travel brands can improve customer satisfaction, particularly during major travel disruptions. Offering a seamless experience where travelers can access all their itinerary details and receive real-time updates can alleviate stress during unexpected events. Rocket Travel by Agoda’s partnerships exemplify this approach, allowing customers to earn and redeem rewards for hotel stays on one platform.

Flexibility in technology solutions is essential for engaging customers in different regions with a universal value proposition. Rocket Travel by Agoda offers a flexible white-label platform for the Americas and an affiliate program version for APAC, tailored to suit the unique customer base in each region. This modular framework allows the brand to tailor solutions to different markets, turning features on or off as needed. By offering regionally tailored solutions, brands can deliver personalized experiences that resonate with travelers across diverse markets, positioning them to thrive in a competitive landscape and drive sustained growth on a global scale. Leveraging a partner-centric approach enables brands to unlock unparalleled value and create lasting connections with customers.

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