The 9-day holiday of Kurban Bayramı has come to an end in Turkey. On the last day of the holiday, there is heavy traffic on the Anatolian Highway as people return from their hometowns or holiday destinations. However, traffic flow is currently normal on the highway heading towards Istanbul, with no congestion reported at key points such as Gerede, Köroğlu ramp, Yumrukaya, and Bolu Dağı Tunnel.

After a long break, many people are returning to work or school, causing increased traffic on the roads. Despite this, authorities are reporting that there are no major delays or incidents on the Anatolian Highway, allowing for a smooth and safe journey for travelers heading back to the city. Drivers are advised to follow traffic rules and regulations to ensure a safe return journey after the holiday period.

Traffic congestion typically peaks during holiday periods as people travel to visit their loved ones or vacation destinations. However, authorities have been monitoring the situation closely and have implemented measures to manage traffic flow and ensure the safety of all road users. The smooth traffic flow on the Anatolian Highway is a positive sign that these measures have been effective in easing congestion during the heavy holiday traffic.

Despite the end of the holiday and the return to regular routines, it is important for drivers to remain cautious and patient on the roads. As more vehicles return to the highways, there is a higher risk of accidents and delays. By following traffic rules, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, and staying alert while driving, motorists can help reduce the likelihood of accidents and ensure a smooth journey back home after the holiday break.

Overall, the end of the Kurban Bayramı holiday marks a return to normalcy for many people in Turkey. As travelers return from their holiday destinations, traffic flow on the Anatolian Highway remains normal, with no major delays reported at key points along the route. With the support of authorities and the cooperation of drivers, the holiday period has ended on a positive note, with a safe and smooth journey back to the city for all road users.

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