Pedro Sánchez has announced on Wednesday that he is considering resigning due to the unprecedented attacks from the right and the far-right on his wife, Begoña Gómez. These attacks can be traced back to a TV discussion on November 23, 2022, on Distrito TV, a media outlet that serves as a platform for the PP and Vox parties. During the discussion, a panelist made false and derogatory remarks about Begoña Gómez, linking her to drug trafficking and suggesting she comes from a family of gay saunas. These baseless allegations have gained traction on social media and have led to a series of insults and misogynistic attacks against the President’s wife.

The attacks on Begoña Gómez have been ongoing since 2018, when Pedro Sánchez first became Prime Minister. These attacks have intensified over the years, with incidents such as a protester hitting a piñata representing Sánchez outside the PSOE headquarters and false accusations linking Gómez to unethical behavior. The latest development came on April 8, 2024, when Manos Limpias, a self-proclaimed “union of public servants,” filed a complaint against Gómez for alleged conflict of interest and influence peddling. Subsequent to this, the PP has hinted at calling Gómez to testify in parliamentary committees to investigate her business dealings.

On April 16, 2024, a judge opened an investigation into Begoña Gómez for alleged influence peddling and corruption in business dealings. The investigation was initiated based on the complaint filed by Manos Limpias and has led to testimonies from media sources who published the allegations. This development has added to the pressure on Pedro Sánchez, who was already considering resigning in light of the relentless attacks on his family. The accusations and legal proceedings have further polarized the political landscape in Spain, with the PP escalating their rhetoric against the President and his wife.

The situation reached a critical point on April 24, 2024, when Pedro Sánchez publicly stated that he is contemplating resigning due to the unwarranted attacks on his wife by the right-wing parties. The President emphasized his belief in the justice system despite the challenges he faces. In response, the PP continued their campaign against Begoña Gómez, releasing a video accusing her of misusing her husband’s position for personal gain. This video was later removed, but similar content continues to circulate on social media and other platforms. The possibility of Sánchez’s resignation and the legal investigations into his wife have created a tense political atmosphere in Spain, with implications for the future of the government and the country’s stability.

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