Duncan Wardle, a former vice president at The Walt Disney Company, now runs a creative consulting company called iD8 & innov8. He focuses on helping organizations embed innovative cultures by breaking the habits that limit creative thinking in individuals. Wardle highlights how our brains tend to shut down when exposed to the same stimuli repeatedly, leading to a lack of fresh ideas. To combat this, he suggests stepping out of our comfort zones and seeking new experiences to spark creativity.

One way to stimulate new ideas is to explore different industries and read across various verticals. By exposing ourselves to content outside of our usual interests, we can make fascinating connections that inspire innovation. For example, engineers at BMW were able to improve car speeds by studying cappuccino machines, demonstrating the value of looking beyond one’s own field for inspiration. Additionally, immersive experiences like virtual and augmented realities can provide a unique and stimulating environment for generating ideas.

Seeking insights from unexpected sources can also lead to groundbreaking innovations. Wardle cites the story of George de Mestral, who invented Velcro after being inspired by the sticking mechanism of burrs he encountered on a dog walk. Similarly, Speedo developed a swimsuit inspired by the smooth texture of shark skin, which allowed swimmers to move through the water faster. These examples showcase the power of serendipity and creative thinking in transforming everyday observations into revolutionary concepts.

Noticing the little things in our daily lives can also trigger creative insights. By observing customer behavior and delving deeper into the reasons behind their actions, companies can uncover valuable insights that guide product development and marketing strategies. In the case of Disneyland Paris, Wardle’s team discovered that parents were motivated to visit the park not just for new attractions, but to create lasting memories with their children. This realization led to a successful communication campaign emphasizing the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones.

To encourage a shift from professional to playful and creative thinking, Wardle advises individuals to embrace new stimuli and break out of their routines. By challenging ourselves to explore unfamiliar territories, whether through reading diverse content, engaging in immersive experiences, or seeking inspiration from unexpected sources, we can unleash a wave of creativity and innovation. Ultimately, getting out of our “safe” environments and embracing freshness can invigorate our minds and spark the next big idea.

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