The hospitality industry is experiencing a shift in search and booking practices due to the implementation of artificial intelligence technology. Anna Jaffe, CEO of, explains how this new approach is revolutionizing how travelers find and book hotels that cater to their individual needs. Traditional search methods, which typically involved filling out basic information such as destination, dates, number of people, and budget, often led to missed revenue opportunities for hospitality providers. However, AI tools like Intent Driven Search are changing this dynamic by offering a more personalized and innovative search experience for travelers.

Intent Driven Search differs from traditional search methods by using AI language models to understand how travelers express their preferences and needs. This approach allows for more open-ended questions and searches, enabling travelers to find accommodations that meet their specific criteria. By harnessing data from various online communities and sources, Intent Driven Search can provide unique and tailored recommendations for travelers looking for niche experiences or specific amenities during their trip.

AI tools like Intent Driven Search are expected to have a significant impact on hotel revenue by enhancing the booking process and providing personalized recommendations to travelers. By offering a range of options based on a traveler’s preferences and budget, hotels can increase the likelihood of conversions and maximize revenue potential. Additionally, hotels can leverage ancillary elements such as on-property services or partnerships to further enhance the guest experience and generate additional revenue opportunities.

One example of the success of Intent Driven Search is evident in its implementation with a travel group that offers various elements of a trip, including hotels, flights, and excursions. By using this AI tool, the travel group was able to provide a more personalized and concierge-like experience for their guests, resulting in improved guest satisfaction and conversions. This technology enables hotels to better understand their guests’ needs and preferences, leading to a more tailored and memorable hospitality experience.

The future of global search in travel and hospitality is expected to move away from traditional search methods and towards more personalized and experiential search options. Natural language search capabilities will become more prevalent, allowing travelers to ask for specific experiences and services during their trip at any geographic scale. This shift towards experiential search will enhance the level of hospitality offered by brands and differentiate them in the competitive market.

Overall, AI tools like Intent Driven Search are set to transform the hospitality industry by providing a more personalized and innovative search and booking experience for travelers. By utilizing AI technology to understand and meet the needs of travelers, hotels can improve revenue potential, enhance guest satisfaction, and offer unique and tailored experiences. The collaboration between digital tools and on-property teams will further improve the overall guest experience, setting a new standard for hospitality in the future.

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