Toyota’s subsidiary Daihatsu is undergoing significant changes in the wake of a safety testing scandal. The new president of Daihatsu, Masahiro Inoue, has announced that Toyota will be taking a leadership role in various aspects of the company, including product development and procurement. This move is aimed at regaining trust among dealers, customers, and workers after allegations of widespread cheating on safety testing surfaced last year. The previous president of Daihatsu resigned in the midst of the scandal, and production at the company was halted by a government order until proper tests could be conducted.

Inoue is focused on reviving Daihatsu and has been making efforts to improve communication within the company. He has visited plants, dealers, and suppliers in an attempt to encourage better collaboration among the ranks. Inoue emphasized that while there have been complaints from dealers about delays in production, safety is paramount and must come before market share considerations. The misconduct that led to the safety testing scandal was partly driven by the pressure to deliver products quickly to meet demand, and Inoue highlighted the need for a fundamental change in how Daihatsu operates.

Despite the challenges facing Daihatsu, neither major accidents nor injuries have been reported in connection to the cheating scandal. However, the incident has raised questions about oversight at the company, which is owned entirely by Toyota. Inoue acknowledged the need for a united effort among Daihatsu employees to ensure that customers feel confident in the safety of the vehicles produced by the company. Executive Vice President Masanori Kuwata, also from Toyota, stated that there is no quick fix to the situation but expressed hope that positive changes can be made to restore trust and energy within the company.

Daihatsu is known for its smaller “kei” cars and off-road vehicles, and the scandal has undoubtedly had an impact on the company’s reputation. Inoue’s focus on rebuilding trust and implementing changes to prevent a recurrence of the safety testing violations is crucial for Daihatsu’s future success. By taking a leadership role in overseeing model certification and other key aspects of the business, Toyota aims to support Daihatsu in its efforts to regain trust and ensure the safety and quality of its products. The road ahead may be challenging, but with a united team effort and a commitment to transparency and accountability, Daihatsu is working towards a positive future.

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