Giovanni Toti, the suspended governor of Liguria who has been under house arrest since May 7th on corruption charges, resigned yesterday during a tense regional council meeting called for budget adjustments. The resignation was confirmed this morning when an official note from the region announced that Toti had submitted his resignation, handwritten on a piece of paper, to the office of the presidency. The note was hand-delivered by his close friend and loyal supporter, Giacomo Giampedrone, who revealed that he had seen Toti “a week ago” and described him as “always calm, strong, and convinced that he had worked solely in the interest of Liguria and its people.” It was a difficult decision for Toti, who may have felt he had no real alternative, both politically and legally. His defense team plans to file a new request to have his house arrest revoked in hopes of a swift judgment.

In his resignation letter, Toti took full responsibility for calling for early elections within the next three months, stating that the citizens of the region need to decide their future through their vote. He emphasized the importance of political participation in facing the many challenges that Liguria is currently facing and expressed his gratitude to the coalition forces that supported his administration, acknowledging the difficult moments they had endured together, from the Morandi Bridge collapse to the Covid-19 pandemic. Toti explained that he waited until the regional council had approved the budget adjustments to ensure the proper management of the region before resigning, highlighting the synergies between political parties and civic forces that had given his administration consensus and effectiveness. The emotional impact of his resignation was felt among Toti’s staff and colleagues, including Giampedrone, who appeared visibly affected despite maintaining composure.

Discussions about the timing of the anticipated elections are already underway, with a likely target date set for late October, pending approval by the government. The reactions to Toti’s resignation were mixed among the political parties, with the League expressing outrage at what they saw as an attempt to subvert the will of the voters through legal investigations and arrests. The Toti List simply thanked Toti for his service, while Forza Italia was more restrained in their response. The center-left coalition, which had been calling for Toti’s resignation, welcomed the news as an end to the agony of the right-wing government. Former Prime Minister Conte remarked that governing from house arrest was not a tenable situation, while other political figures, such as Renzi and Calenda, offered their perspectives on the situation.

Overall, the resignation of Giovanni Toti as governor of Liguria has sparked a range of reactions from the political sphere, with different parties expressing their perspectives on the implications of his departure. Toti’s decision to resign and call for early elections underscores the challenges facing the region and the need for renewed political engagement from the citizens. The upcoming elections will be a crucial opportunity for voters to assess the future direction of Liguria and determine the best path forward in addressing the pressing issues confronting the region. As the political landscape in Liguria shifts in response to Toti’s resignation, further developments are expected in the coming months leading up to the anticipated elections.

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