Saw Palmetto, Ashwagandha, Tocotrienol, Curcumin, Collagen, and Biotin are all natural supplements that are believed to help with hair loss and promote hair growth. Saw Palmetto is a known blocker of dihydrotestosterone and is considered effective in combating hair loss. Ashwagandha is an antioxidant that helps with stress and supports hair growth. Tocotrienol can increase hair density, while Curcumin reduces dihydrotestosterone levels. Collagen supplements may also promote hair growth, strength, and positive effects on skin and nails. Biotin, once popular for hair growth, has fallen out of favor due to lack of data, but generally should not harm you if taken in moderation.
It is recommended to discuss the pros and cons of these supplements with a healthcare provider before starting a regimen. However, most people can take these supplements, with different formulations tailored to different genders, ages, and other factors. It is important to note that certain ingredients should be avoided if trying to conceive or if pregnant. According to experts, if factors such as caffeine intake, medication use, alcohol consumption, stress, dieting, or exercise routines are depleting micronutrient levels, taking supplements can be beneficial in replenishing them.
Vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamin D and B deficiencies, are commonly observed in hair loss cases and are essential for hair growth. It is recommended to check blood counts to ensure there is no anemia, as well as thyroid function and other important labs. Potential side effects of these supplements should be considered, such as the rare occurrence of low testosterone side effects with botanicals targeting dihydrotestosterone. Excessive biotin intake can lead to acne and should be discontinued before certain blood tests to avoid interference. Iron supplements may cause constipation, while collagen may induce diarrhea or gastrointestinal upset in some individuals.
Dr. Hardik Doshi, a double board-certified plastic surgeon and lead surgeon for hair restoration at Ample, Dr. Jennifer Gordon, a board-certified dermatologist at Westlake Dermatology, and Alisa Vitti, a functional nutrition and women’s hormone expert and founder of modern hormone health care company FLO Living, are experts in the field of hair loss and supplements. They advise on the importance of sourcing botanicals from reputable sources due to limited studies and potential side effects. Overall, taking supplements can be beneficial for replenishing micronutrient levels depleted by various lifestyle factors, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting a regimen to ensure safety and effectiveness.