Tokyo’s city hall has launched an initiative called “Tokyo Futari Story” in an effort to encourage couples in a country where being alone, or “hitori,” is increasingly common. The initiative includes an online platform offering counsel and general information for potential couples, as well as the development of a dating app which is expected to be launched later this year. Details of the app are still being finalized, but reports suggest that it may require users to confirm their identity with documents such as a driver’s license and tax records, as well as a signed form indicating readiness for marriage.

Marriage rates in Japan have been declining, with the country’s birth rate reaching an all-time low according to health ministry data. In 2021, there were 474,717 marriages, down from 504,930 in the previous year, and births totaled 727,277, down from 770,759. The proposed dating app may request information such as height, job, and education, although city hall officials have denied that any decisions have been made in this regard. At the national level, the Japanese government has been taking steps to address the labor shortage by offering cash payments for families with children and increasing support for childcare facilities. In addition, immigration policies have been relaxed to attract foreign workers.

The declining birth rate in Japan reflects a broader trend where fewer young adults are interested in traditional marriage and child-rearing. Factors such as demanding workplace norms, long working hours, and high costs of raising children contribute to this trend. Tokyo City Hall is also organizing events where singles can meet, couples can receive counseling on marriage, and love stories can be turned into manga comics or songs. The city is trying to create opportunities for people to connect and form meaningful relationships in a society where being alone is increasingly common.

This initiative by Tokyo City Hall is part of a broader effort to address social issues related to declining birth rates and marriage rates in Japan. By promoting the formation of couples and encouraging marriage, the city aims to counter the trend of increasing solitude among its population. The development of a dating app and the organization of events to facilitate meetings between singles are intended to provide opportunities for individuals to find love and companionship in a society where traditional relationship norms are undergoing significant changes.

While the details of the dating app are still being finalized, reports suggest that it may include measures to verify users’ identities and readiness for marriage. This indicates the seriousness with which Tokyo City Hall is approaching the issue of declining marriage rates and the need to encourage relationships among its population. By providing support for couples, offering counseling on marriage, and creating opportunities for people to meet and form connections, the city is taking proactive steps to address social challenges and promote healthy relationships in a rapidly changing society.

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