The ZDF satirical show “Heute Show” aired a segment featuring reporter Lutz van der Horst attempting to ask CDU party leader Friedrich Merz about the concept of a “German Leitkultur” at the CDU party congress in Berlin. Instead of answering, Merz walked away, prompting his wife, Charlotte, to intervene. She pointed out that it also means answering when asked and physically pushed the reporter back. The scenes were captured in a video posted on YouTube, where Charlotte Merz can be seen attempting to prevent the recording by pushing down the microphone.

Van der Horst commented on Merz’s behavior, calling him a “little Pascha,” as Charlotte Merz approached him. She tapped him on the shoulder, spoke into the microphone, and pushed the reporter’s arm down, stating that Leitkultur means first asking if one wants to give an answer. Despite her attempts to stop the recording, the video was still published. Van der Horst responded meekly, saying that Merz says no when asked. Meanwhile, Merz walked away from the situation, leaving the reporter to react.

Following the incident, van der Horst approached Rainer Wendt, the head of the police union and a CDU member, asking when he could call the police as he tried to speak with Merz and was physically confronted. Wendt jokingly replied that everything was done correctly if van der Horst was physically stopped and also mentioned that he could call the police at any time. In contrast to Merz’s behavior, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther had no problem addressing the question posed by the ZDF. When asked if it was part of the Leitkultur to bring up the topic every few years, Günther humorously responded that it was important to revisit the topic because they couldn’t think of anything else.

The incident involving Friedrich Merz and his wife Charlotte at the CDU party congress has sparked conversation on social media, with many criticizing Merz for his response to the reporter’s question about Leitkultur. The video of the encounter has been widely shared and commented on, with viewers expressing various opinions on the behavior displayed by the CDU party leader and his wife. Some have praised Charlotte Merz for her assertiveness in intervening, while others have criticized Merz for avoiding the question and walking away from the situation.

The concept of Leitkultur, or a dominant or leading culture, has been a topic of debate in Germany for years, with discussions on what constitutes German identity and values. The incident at the CDU party congress has added fuel to the ongoing debate, highlighting the differing views within the political sphere on the importance of addressing questions related to cultural identity. The clash between the reporter and CDU party members underscores the tensions surrounding the issue and the varying responses from politicians when faced with such questions in a public setting.

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