Envious is a new Netflix comedy series from Argentina that follows Vicky, a 39-year-old woman who is envious of her friends’ seemingly perfect lives. Despite her jealousy, Vicky realizes that she needs to focus on making herself happy rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing. The show explores Vicky’s struggles with her career, love life, and the pressures she feels to conform to societal expectations.

Vicky’s envy is palpable throughout the series, as she constantly compares herself to others and feels inadequate in her own life. From her coworker’s perfect children to her ex-boyfriend’s new wife, Vicky is consumed by feelings of jealousy and insecurity. However, as the show progresses, Vicky begins to come to terms with her own desires and aspirations, and learns to prioritize her own happiness above all else.

The show’s unique premise sets it apart from other comedies, with a similar vibe to shows like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Ugly Betty, and 30 Rock. Griselda Siciliani delivers a standout performance as Vicky, showcasing her comedic and dramatic talents with equal skill. Despite Vicky’s questionable decision-making and comedic misadventures, Siciliani portrays her with vulnerability and charm, making her a character that viewers can root for.

Envious strikes a balance between humor and heart, highlighting Vicky’s journey towards self-acceptance and personal growth. The show tackles themes of envy, insecurity, and the societal pressures placed on women to conform to traditional norms. Through Vicky’s antics and relationships with those around her, the series explores the complexities of human emotions and the importance of self-discovery.

Overall, Envious is a compelling and entertaining series that showcases Griselda Siciliani’s talents and offers a fresh take on the comedy genre. With its relatable characters, humorous situations, and heartfelt moments, the show is a must-watch for fans of comedic dramas. Whether you’re looking for a laugh or a thoughtful exploration of the human experience, Envious has something to offer for everyone.

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