Giuseppe Conte, in a recent interview with Bruno Vespa, expressed that something has irreversibly cracked in the relationship between him and Beppe Grillo. Conte stated that he is saddened by Grillo’s open opposition to a democratic participation process aimed at returning to the original ideals of Gianroberto Casaleggio. He emphasized that the conflict is not personal between Grillo and Conte but rather Grillo is fighting against his own community. Conte also mentioned that Grillo has had venomous attitudes towards him in the past, but he chose to overlook them in favor of the community’s interests.

Conte also announced that the M5s constitutive assembly will take place on November 23 and 24, marking the final step in the process announced in June to rebuild the movement by involving both members and non-members. Maurizio Gasparri, the president of the Forza Italia senators, criticized Grillo for receiving a yearly contract worth 300 thousand euros from the M5s and questioned the basis for these payments, the services provided in return, and the tax treatment of these compensations. Gasparri raised concerns regarding the source of these funds, which are derived from public money contributed by citizens, and decided to file a complaint with the Court of Auditors to investigate the responsibilities of Grillo, the M5s members, and Conte.

Davide Casaleggio, the son of the other co-founder of the M5s, commented on the ongoing conflict between Conte and Grillo, comparing it to the movie “Highlander” where there can be only one survivor. He remarked that in this case, there will only be one surviving voter if the situation continues as it is. Casaleggio questioned Conte’s actions in selecting members for the M5s clusters and highlighted the uncertainty around the number of actual members, as many were removed during the summer. He also expressed surprise that this issue was raised only now when there is a conflict with Grillo, adding that even Grillo has raised questions about the true number of members in the movement.

The discussion also revolved around the M5s Constituent Assembly, with Casaleggio raising concerns about the lack of clarity regarding the number of actual members. He pointed out that if the movement doesn’t even know how many members it has, it raises questions about the transparency and validity of the process. The tensions between Conte and Grillo seem to be escalating, with Casaleggio suggesting that the conflict may result in only one survivor in terms of the electoral support. The situation within the M5s appears to be complex and uncertain, with various stakeholders expressing concerns about the financial, organizational, and ideological aspects of the movement.

Overall, the rift between Conte and Grillo within the M5s seems to be widening, with Conte expressing his disappointment in Grillo’s opposition to the democratic participation process and the movement’s original ideals. Gasparri’s criticism of Grillo’s financial dealings and decision to file a complaint with the Court of Auditors adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Casaleggio’s comments further highlight the uncertainties surrounding the number of M5s members and the transparency of the movement’s operations. As the conflict unfolds, it remains to be seen how the M5s will navigate these challenges and whether the movement can overcome the internal divisions to achieve its intended goals.

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