In the Eastern Black Sea region, celebratory gunfire during special occasions such as weddings, engagements, and farewell ceremonies for soldiers is causing casualties and injuries due to ‘stray bullets’. Despite warnings against firing into the air or incidents caused by ‘stray bullets’, these incidents continue to occur in the region.

In Yeniköy neighborhood of Rize, a bullet hit a plastic basket on the balcony of a sixth-floor apartment where Burçin Öksüz lives. Upon finding plastic pieces on the ground on her balcony yesterday morning, Öksüz also discovered a bullet core in her 2.5-year-old daughter’s hand, causing fear and panic.

The concerned mother reported the incident to the police and requested the apprehension of the reckless shooter. Police teams arrived at the scene to start an investigation and identify the person who fired the weapon in order to capture them.

Expressing her fear upon seeing the bullet core in her daughter’s hand, Burçin Öksüz emphasized the importance of not allowing others’ festivities to turn into tragedy. She shared her experience of finding the bullet fragment and the panic it caused, urging people to be more responsible and mindful of the consequences of their actions.

This incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of celebratory gunfire and the need for stricter regulations to prevent such incidents. The authorities and law enforcement are taking action to find the person responsible for firing the weapon and ensure that similar incidents are avoided in the future.

As the community reflects on this alarming incident, it serves as a wake-up call for individuals to be more cautious and considerate during celebrations to prevent harm to others. The safety and well-being of everyone should be prioritized to avoid such tragic accidents and protect the innocent from being harmed by reckless behavior.

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