Edirne Governor Yunus Sezer recently conducted inspections in the Keşan and Enez regions. After the inspections, Sezer informed the press that they had sent a circular to all the village headmen in the region, clearly stating that no permission would be given for tiny houses or illegal construction.

Sezer noted that there has been an increasing trend in the construction of tiny houses in the area. He stated, “Every time I come here, they are popping up like mushrooms. They call it a ‘trailer’ under the name of tiny house, they say it has license plates, but when you look closely, they park their vehicle there, build the infrastructure, and even add a pool in front. This week, we removed 40 of them. From now on, we will not allow them. Because what they are doing is not legal. Our agricultural land here is very valuable, this is a tourism area.”

Sezer emphasized the importance of preventing the unhealthy development of the area. He stated, “We must not allow this area to be built in an unhealthy manner. Let’s leave a beautiful Saros Gulf, a beautiful Keşan, a beautiful Enez for future generations and children. Let them remember us with blessings. If we allow everyone to do as they please, we won’t be able to handle the consequences. We also have legal reasons for this.”

The Governor’s actions come as a response to the unauthorized construction of tiny houses in the region, which are not in compliance with the legal regulations. The issue of illegal construction and its consequences on the environment and tourism industry are of concern in the area.

Efforts are being made to ensure that the region maintains its natural beauty and integrity for future generations to enjoy. The enforcement of regulations against unauthorized tiny house construction is seen as a necessary step to protect the agricultural and tourism potential of the area.

Governor Sezer’s message to the village headmen and the public is clear: illegal construction, such as tiny houses, will not be tolerated in the region. The focus is on preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the area for the benefit of all, and measures are being taken to enforce these regulations effectively.

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