Tina Malone, known for her role on “Shameless,” recently bid a final farewell to her husband Paul Chase, who tragically passed away last month at the age of 42. The couple had been married for 14 years, with Paul being 19 years younger than Tina. Tina looked devastated at the funeral, dressed in black and wearing a hat and fur coat. Paul, who had served in the Armed Forces, had his regiment hat placed on his coffin as mourners gathered to pay their respects. Family, friends, and members of Paul’s regiment participated in the ceremony, with many wearing regimental ties to honor him.

The funeral photos showed pallbearers carrying Paul’s coffin, with many of them appearing to be from his regiment, proudly wearing their medals. Tina thanked everyone who had sent their condolences and support during this difficult time, expressing her gratitude for the overwhelming cards, flowers, messages, and calls she had received. She shared the news of Paul’s passing on social media, revealing that they were “totally devastated” by his sudden death. Fans and friends offered their condolences, with one expressing sympathy for Tina’s loss and another urging her to take care of herself during this challenging period.

Tina and Paul’s relationship had faced challenges in the past, with the couple announcing their split in 2019, prompting Tina to demand a divorce. However, they reconciled later on, with reports suggesting that Paul’s mental health had improved after finding work with the armed services. Tina opened up to a magazine about their struggles, acknowledging that their problems were compounded by depression but emphasizing that their love had never wavered. The couple welcomed a daughter named Flame together in 2013 when Tina was 50 years old, adding to Tina’s older daughter from a previous relationship.

The funeral ceremony honored Paul’s service in the Armed Forces, with members of his regiment paying their respects and supporting Tina during her time of grief. Tina’s emotional farewell to her husband highlighted the somber occasion as she bid him a final goodbye. The loss of Paul at a young age and the challenges that Tina and Paul had faced in their relationship added layers of complexity to the funeral proceedings. Despite their past struggles, Tina’s love and dedication to her husband were evident as she navigated the difficult process of saying farewell to her beloved partner. The funeral photos and Tina’s emotional demeanor painted a poignant picture of the solemn occasion as she mourned the loss of her husband.

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