The UK government has been waiting for over a month for the US to approve the use of British Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia by Ukraine. Despite Ukraine’s continuous requests for permission to use long-range missiles inside Russia, Western countries, including the US, have not granted approval. The UK government sources have indicated that the request is currently stuck in the US system, while discussions with allies regarding the use of Storm Shadow missiles are ongoing. The reasons behind the need for Washington’s approval for the use of these missiles remain unclear, but it may require an agreement among three countries, potentially including the UK and France, which produce their own variants of the Storm Shadow missiles.

The Kursk incursion by Ukrainian soldiers into Russian territory on August 6, marked the largest attack on Russian territory since World War II. The Pentagon stated that while the incursion aligns with US policy on the use of American arms, there has been no relaxation on the use of long-range weapons deep inside Russia. Both the US and the UK permitted Ukraine to use their arms during the Kursk incursion, except for long-range missiles. The objective behind the Kursk operation, according to Ukrainian officials, was to have the ability to strike enemy troops on their territory to better protect Ukraine and reduce the need for operations outside of Ukrainian borders.

Discussions between Ukraine and the US about the supply of long-range cruise missiles are reportedly in advanced stages. The potential supply of such missiles by the Biden administration could further escalate the conflict in Ukraine. The US is concerned about the possible escalation of the war and prefers the use of American ATACMS missiles for specific strikes rather than long-range missiles. The UK is also cautious about allowing Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles deep inside Russia. The delay in approval for the use of these missiles suggests that there are considerations beyond just the willingness of individual countries to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

The use of long-range missiles by Ukraine inside Russia could significantly impact the ongoing conflict. By possessing the capability to strike enemy troops on Russian territory, Ukraine believes that it could better protect itself and potentially reduce the need for operations outside its borders. The involvement of Western countries in supporting Ukraine, including the supply of arms and consultations on using powerful weaponry, reflects the complexity of the situation. The selection of weapons is crucial in determining the scope and impact of the conflict, as different types of missiles may serve varying strategic purposes in the ongoing conflict.

The US administration’s approach to supplying long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine could have far-reaching implications. The advanced discussions between Ukraine and the US signal a potential shift in the dynamics of the conflict and may lead to increased tensions between the US and Russia. The decision-making process involving multiple countries, such as the UK and potentially France, adds layers of complexity to the situation. Ukraine’s quest for support from its Western allies demonstrates the strategic alliances at play in the conflict with Russia. The use of powerful weaponry, such as long-range cruise missiles, requires careful consideration and coordination among allies to mitigate unintended consequences and avoid further escalation of the conflict.

The ongoing discussions and delays in approving the use of long-range missiles by Ukraine inside Russia underscore the challenges faced by the involved countries. The need to navigate diplomatic protocols and strategic considerations while supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia highlights the intricacies of international relations. The decision to supply powerful weaponry like long-range missiles reflects the complex balance of power and interests at play in the conflict. As Ukraine continues to seek support from its Western allies, the approval process for using advanced weaponry remains a critical aspect of the conflict’s evolving dynamics. The outcome of these discussions and decisions could shape the course of the conflict and have lasting implications for the region and international relations.

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