The U.S. travel industry is waiting to see if the assistant secretary of travel and tourism position will be filled and funded after the 2024 Presidential Election. President Joe Biden would need to nominate someone to the position, and the U.S. Senate would have to confirm the nominee. Currently, conversations to fill the position are ongoing, according to a spokesperson from the U.S. Travel Association. Due to its high level in the government, there is likely no shortage of candidates interested in the job. The industry is eager to see who will be appointed to the position and what background they will bring.

The assistant secretary of travel and tourism plays a crucial role in setting annual visitation goals, developing national travel strategies, and coordinating with other federal agencies. This position allows for creative policymaking that career officials may not have the capacity for. The federal government does have a deputy assistant secretary for travel and tourism, along with other officials dedicated to supporting the industry, but the assistant secretary brings unique expertise and perspective to the table. The industry is eager to see how the new appointee will shape policy in different ways.

In the absence of the assistant secretary for travel and tourism, the music industry has been advocating for additional responsibilities to be included in the role. Senators John Hickenlooper and Marsha Blackburn introduced the American Music Tourism Act to the Senate, proposing that the assistant secretary will implement a plan to increase tourism to music venues. The legislation has received support from various music industry groups and organizations, highlighting the importance of tourism in the music sector.

The assistant secretary of commerce for travel and tourism was established in December 2022 under the Omnibus Travel and Tourism Act, making it the most senior U.S. government official focused on travel and tourism. The position sits within the Department of Commerce and is one level below being a cabinet secretary. After over 20 years of lobbying for higher-level representation in the federal government, the travel industry is eager to see the assistant secretary position filled and funded for the 2024 fiscal year.

In early March, Congress passed legislation that included up to $3.5 million in appropriations for the office in the 2024 fiscal year. However, these funds do not automatically roll over to the next year, causing delays in the staffing process. The Department of Commerce had requested $3.5 million to establish and staff the office but was waiting for approval of the funds to proceed. In March, travel industry professionals lobbied federal lawmakers to fund the position for the 2025 fiscal year at the U.S. Travel Association’s Destination Capitol Hill Conference.

The travel industry is hopeful that the assistant secretary of travel and tourism position will be filled and funded after the 2024 Presidential Election. The industry is eager to see who will be appointed to the position, what background they will bring, and how they will shape policy to support and promote travel and tourism in the United States. With ongoing conversations about filling the position and advocating for additional responsibilities, such as promoting music tourism, the industry remains actively engaged in ensuring that the assistant secretary’s role is recognized and supported at the highest level of government.

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