Sheri Scott, also known as Forever Yours Betty, is a 37-year-old content creator, business strategist, and personal “dopamine dresser” living in Margate, England who is obsessed with the color orange. She has always loved the color orange and incorporates it into every outfit she wears. Scott previously dyed her hair red, but after her hairdresser advised against a deeper red shade, she decided to try orange and felt like she had finally reached her true self.

Since starting a blog in 2011, Scott’s online presence and community have grown significantly. She shares unique clothing and accessories, always including the color orange, and helps her followers find their style through dressing in color. With over 2.9 million “likes” on TikTok, Scott has become an online personality, although she claims she didn’t set out to become one. She finds that the color orange makes her feel powerful, playful, strong, silly, energetic, and empathetic.

At the age of 34, Scott was diagnosed with ADHD and autism, and she believes her obsession with the color orange is reflective of this. Wearing all orange not only allows her to express herself, but also helps with decision paralysis and sensory issues, as she has an interchangeable wardrobe centered around the color. Despite facing these challenges, Scott finds joy in spreading happiness through her colorful lifestyle.

In her home, Scott’s love for the color orange is evident in various items such as the radiator, teddy bears, drawers, paintings, sofa, and pillows, all in shades of orange. She believes that as long as she is able to spread happiness in some way, it brings her joy. Scott’s passion for the color orange has become a defining aspect of her personality and has helped her cope with her ADHD and autism diagnosis.

Scott’s unique style and vibrant personality have attracted a large following on social media platforms, where she shares her love for the color orange and helps others embrace their own unique sense of style. By staying true to herself and expressing her individuality through the color orange, Scott has built a strong community of followers who appreciate her authenticity and positivity. Her journey of self-discovery and acceptance has inspired others to embrace their own passions and quirks, showing that true happiness comes from being true to oneself.

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