Ali Abulaban, a San Diego TikTok star, is currently on trial for the murder of his wife, Ana Abulaban, and her lover, Rayburn Barron. During his testimony, Ali expressed shock and betrayal at finding them together in bed. He mentioned struggles with drugs and mental illness and his efforts to fix the relationship, only to feel overwhelmed by the betrayal. Ali stated that he couldn’t stop shooting after snapping, feeling like he was watching himself from the passenger seat of his body. He called 911 after the incident to try and save his wife, indicating remorse for his actions.

After the shooting, Ali coordinated with his family to pick up his 5-year-old daughter and find her a safe place to stay before turning himself in. He went to collect his daughter from school, where they were surrounded by police cars. Ali informed his daughter that he hurt her mother and would have to go away, suggesting the difficult conversations and consequences of his actions. Prosecutors revealed that Ana had asked Ali to move out three days before the incident, prompting him to check into a hotel but later return to their shared apartment. He allegedly installed a recording device on his daughter’s iPad to spy on his estranged wife and catch her with Barron.

On the day of the shooting, Ali heard his wife and Barron through the recording device, leading him to return to the apartment and fatally shoot Barron three times and Ana once in the head. Ali, known as JinnKid on TikTok, had nearly a million followers at the time of the alleged murders. His account featured comedy skits and impersonations of the character Tony Montana from the movie “Scarface.” The deputy district attorney highlighted these details after Ali’s arraignment, shedding light on his online persona in contrast to the tragic events that unfolded in his personal life.

The testimony during the trial provided insight into Ali’s state of mind and the events leading up to the fatal shooting. His feelings of betrayal and disbelief at finding his wife with another man shed light on the emotional turmoil he experienced. Despite Ali’s account of feeling like he was not in control of his actions during the shooting, the prosecution painted a picture of premeditated behavior, with allegations of spying and planning to catch Ana and Barron together. The aftermath of the incident, including Ali’s interaction with his daughter and decision to turn himself in, reflected the impact of his actions on his family and the legal consequences he faced.

The case raised questions about the intersection of social media personas and real-life behavior, as Ali’s TikTok presence contrasted sharply with the violence that unfolded off-screen. The details of the case, including the use of a recording device to spy on his wife, added a layer of complexity to the narrative, illustrating the lengths to which Ali went to uncover infidelity. The trial highlighted the devastating consequences of jealousy and betrayal, as well as the complexities of relationships and mental health struggles. As the legal proceedings continue, the full extent of Ali’s culpability and the factors that contributed to the tragic events will likely be explored further in court.

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