Unfortunately, the Superquiz feature for Thursday, September 5th is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. In the meantime, readers are encouraged to try again later. If you’re looking for Target Time, there is a new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle available where you can see how many words you can find and how quickly you can discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have the option to play Target Time and share their results.

Readers who were looking forward to the Superquiz on Thursday, September 5th will have to wait as the feature is currently not accessible. The team is working to bring it back so that fans can continue to enjoy the challenge. In the meantime, there is a new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle that allows players to test their skills in finding words and identifying the Target word. Premium subscribers can play this game and share their results with others.

The Superquiz feature for Thursday, September 5th is currently unavailable, and efforts are being made to restore it for readers to enjoy. While waiting for the return of the Superquiz, there is a new digital version of Target Time, a popular nine-letter puzzle that challenges players to find as many words as they can and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play this game and compare their results with others.

Fans of the Superquiz on Thursday, September 5th will need to be patient as the feature is currently unavailable. The team is working hard to bring it back and ensure that readers can once again participate in the challenge. In the meantime, there is a new digital version of Target Time available for players to test their word-finding skills and compete to discover the Target word in the fastest time possible. Premium subscribers can enjoy this game and share their results with others.

The Superquiz feature for Thursday, September 5th is temporarily unavailable, but efforts are underway to restore it for readers to enjoy. While waiting for the return of the Superquiz, there is a new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle that tests players’ word-finding abilities and challenges them to discover the Target word. Premium subscribers can play this game and share their results with others, keeping the spirit of the challenge alive even in the absence of the regular feature.

Readers looking forward to the Superquiz on Thursday, September 5th will have to wait for its return as the feature is currently unavailable. The team is working to bring it back for fans to enjoy. In the meantime, there is a new digital version of Target Time available, where players can test their skills in finding words and uncovering the Target word. Premium subscribers have the option to play this game and compare their results with others as they wait for the Superquiz to be restored.

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