Superquiz by Andrew Brooks challenges players to find words of four letters or more, where each word must include the center letter and each letter is used only once. The puzzle also requires at least one nine-letter word to be included. Colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, and hyphens are not allowed, and no verbs or plural words ending in “s” can be used. The solution list provided is not exhaustive and the reference source is the Macquarie Dictionary.

The Target Time for this Superquiz is to find 15 words on average, 21 words for a good result, and 28 or more words for an excellent performance. In the previous day’s challenge, words such as “environ,” “ginger,” “govern,” and “GOVERNING” were included. Players need to think creatively and carefully choose their words to meet the criteria while maximizing their word count.

Players must navigate the constraints of the puzzle, ensuring that each word meets the specific requirements set out by the rules. This includes selecting words that not only contain the center letter but also utilize each letter only once. Additionally, players must avoid using verbs or plural words ending in “s,” as well as colloquial or foreign terms, apostrophes, hyphens, and capitalized nouns.

The reference source for the Superquiz is the Macquarie Dictionary, ensuring that all words used in the puzzle are valid and recognized. By adhering to these guidelines, players can test their vocabulary skills and word knowledge within a structured and challenging format. The goal is to find the maximum number of words possible while meeting the specified criteria and aiming for a high score based on the Target Time expectations.

Overall, Superquiz by Andrew Brooks offers a brain-teasing and engaging word puzzle that requires players to think critically and strategically. By finding words that meet the specific criteria outlined in the rules, players can test their vocabulary skills and aim for a high score based on the Target Time benchmarks. The puzzle provides an opportunity for players to challenge themselves and expand their word knowledge in a fun and interactive way.

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