The Superquiz by Andrew Brooks challenges players to find words of four letters or more, with each word including the center letter and using each letter only once. The goal is to find at least one nine-letter word, without using colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, or hyphens. Verbs and plural words ending in “s” are also not allowed in this word puzzle. The solutions are not exhaustive and must be referenced from the Macquarie Dictionary.

Yesterday’s Target Time included words such as aery, apery, artery, carney, CARPENTRY, carry, crypt, cyan, encrypt, entry, eyra, napery, nary, pacy, pantry, panty, parry, party, patency, payer, peaty, perry, pray, prayer, prey, pyre, racy, repay, retry, tarry, teary, ternary, terry, tracery, tray, trey, type, tyre, yare, yarn, yate, yean, year, yearn. These words showcase the challenge and diversity of words that can be found in the Superquiz.

Players aim to achieve a minimum of 13 words to reach an average score, with a good score being 15 words and an excellent score being 28 words or more. This challenge tests players’ vocabulary skills, word recognition, and ability to think critically to come up with unique and valid words. By following the rules and limitations set by the Superquiz, players must carefully choose their words to meet the criteria while maximizing their word count.

The Superquiz encourages players to expand their word knowledge and vocabulary by searching for words that fit the specific criteria provided. By focusing on words of four letters or more, including the center letter and using each letter only once, players must think creatively and strategically to form valid words within these guidelines. Finding at least one nine-letter word adds an additional level of challenge to the game, requiring players to think of longer and more complex words.

With the Superquiz providing a reference source from the Macquarie Dictionary, players have a reliable and standardized source to verify the validity of their words. This ensures that players are using correct and established words in their submissions, maintaining the integrity and fairness of the game. By adhering to these rules and guidelines, players can sharpen their linguistic skills and enjoy the mental challenge of solving word puzzles in a fun and engaging way.

Overall, the Superquiz by Andrew Brooks offers a stimulating and educational word puzzle experience for players of all levels. From casual word enthusiasts to seasoned wordsmiths, this challenge provides an opportunity to test and expand one’s vocabulary skills in a fun and interactive format. By following the guidelines and using the Macquarie Dictionary as a reference, players can enhance their word recognition, critical thinking, and overall language proficiency while enjoying the satisfaction of successfully completing the Superquiz.

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