Unfortunately, the Superquiz feature for Thursday, September 19th is currently unavailable and the team is working to restore it. Readers are encouraged to try again later for access to this feature. In the meantime, there is a new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle called Target Time that readers can enjoy. The challenge is to find as many words as possible and discover the Target word in the puzzle. Results can be shared, and premium subscribers have access to play Target Time on the website.

Andrew Brooks introduces the Target Time puzzle as a new and engaging feature for readers to enjoy in place of the temporarily unavailable Superquiz for September 19th. The digital version of the nine-letter puzzle challenges players to find words within the puzzle and uncover the Target word. Players can share their results and compete against each other in this fun and interactive game. The introduction of Target Time provides readers with an alternative activity to enjoy while the Superquiz feature is being restored.

Readers are informed that the capabilities of the Target Time puzzle allow for an interactive experience where players can test their word finding skills and compete for the quickest completion time. Premium subscribers have access to this digital version of the puzzle and can enjoy playing it on the website. The introduction of this new feature provides an exciting opportunity for readers to engage with and enjoy while waiting for the return of the Superquiz feature. It offers a fun and challenging alternative puzzle that users can enjoy and share with others.

Despite the temporary unavailability of the Superquiz feature for September 19th, readers are encouraged to explore and play the Target Time digital puzzle, which offers a new and enjoyable experience. The challenge of finding words within the puzzle and discovering the Target word provides a fun and engaging activity for players to partake in. Premium subscribers have access to this feature and can compete against each other to see who can find the most words in the shortest amount of time. The introduction of Target Time provides readers with an entertaining and interactive puzzle to enjoy while the Superquiz feature is being restored.

As Andrew Brooks introduces the Target Time puzzle as a replacement for the temporarily unavailable Superquiz feature, readers are invited to explore this new interactive challenge. The digital version of the nine-letter puzzle offers players the opportunity to test their word finding skills and compete against others for the quickest completion time. Premium subscribers can access the game on the website and share their results with friends and fellow players. The introduction of Target Time provides readers with an engaging alternative activity to enjoy while the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable.

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