Sorry, the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable, but we are working to restore it. In the meantime, you can try again later. However, for a different challenge, you can try Target Time, a new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle. See how many words you can find and how quickly you can discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time.

Superquiz on Thursday, September 26th is currently down and undergoing maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are working to bring this feature back online as soon as possible. In the meantime, feel free to try the new Target Time puzzle challenge. Premium subscribers can participate and share their results.

Andrew Brooks shares that the Superquiz feature is temporarily unavailable on Thursday, September 26th. Despite the issue, users can look forward to the return of Superquiz once it is restored. In the meantime, individuals can engage in the digital version of the nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This new challenge allows players to find words and discover the Target word within a given timeframe. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time.

The article specifies that the Superquiz feature is currently experiencing technical difficulties, prompting its unavailability. The team is diligently working to fix the issue and aims to have the feature functioning again soon. While waiting for Superquiz to be restored, individuals can explore Target Time, a digital puzzle game that challenges players to find words and uncover the Target word. Premium subscribers have exclusive access to enjoy and play Target Time.

Despite the setback of Superquiz being offline, users can still engage in a similar and equally entertaining activity with the new Target Time puzzle. This digital version provides a challenging and engaging experience for players to test their word-finding skills and discover the Target word within a designated time frame. Premium subscribers have the advantage of playing Target Time and sharing their results with others.

Andrew Brooks reassures readers that the Superquiz feature will be back soon as the team is actively working to resolve the technical issues. While the maintenance is ongoing, individuals can enjoy the Target Time puzzle game as an alternative form of entertainment. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to participate in Target Time and compete with others to showcase their word-finding abilities. Stay tuned for the return of Superquiz and continue to enjoy the challenges offered by Target Time in the meantime.

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