In this Superquiz by Andrew Brooks, the challenge is to find words of four letters or more that include a center letter and each letter is used only once. The goal is to find at least one nine-letter word without using colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, or hyphens. Verbs and plural words ending in “s” are also not allowed. The solution list is not exhaustive and the reference source is the Macquarie Dictionary. A good score for this challenge is finding 15 words, with an excellent score being 21 words or more.

Yesterday’s Target Time included words such as ahoy, alto, apology, aptly, atop, galop, gaol, ghat, gloat, goal, goat, halo, halt, hoopla, lath, lathy, loath, oath, opah, opal, paly, path, PATHOLOGY, phyla, plat, platy, play, toga, typal, yahoo, and yoga. These words demonstrate the variety of words that can be found within the parameters of the challenge, showcasing the diversity of language and vocabulary that can be explored.

This Superquiz challenges participants to think critically and creatively to find words that fit the criteria given. By restricting certain types of words and letter combinations, the challenge pushes individuals to expand their vocabulary and consider words they may not normally use or encounter. This exercise can be a fun way to engage with language and improve vocabulary skills while also providing a mental challenge and sense of achievement when successful.

By setting a target time and scoring system, the Superquiz creates a competitive element that can motivate participants to continue to improve and strive for higher scores. The challenge of finding words that meet the specific criteria within a given time frame adds an element of pressure and excitement to the task, making it more engaging and rewarding for those taking part.

Overall, the Superquiz by Andrew Brooks offers a stimulating and enjoyable way to test and expand vocabulary skills. By setting clear parameters and using a reference source like the Macquarie Dictionary, participants can feel confident in the accuracy and validity of the words they find. The challenge provides a satisfying mental workout that can be both entertaining and educational, making it a great way to exercise the mind and enhance language abilities.

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