The current Secretary of Organization of the Andalusian PSOE, Jacinto Viedma; the former mayor of Jaén, Julio Millán; and the former socialist spokesperson in the City Council, África Colomo, have been summoned to testify as investigated by a court in Jaén as alleged perpetrators of a false report crime. The summons refers to the complaint filed by the PSOE the night before the last municipal elections on May 28, 2023, regarding a supposed vote-buying scheme in which two PP councilors were implicated. The summons as a suspect of the former mayor was one of the requests of the private prosecution exercised by the two popular councilors. The Court Number 1 of Jaén, handling the case, had rejected it in January, but the new judge has accepted the request. Jacinto Viedma, who was the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE in Jaén, was the one who filed the complaint with the National Police regarding the alleged vote-buying scandal on the eve of the 2023 municipal elections.

Viedma, who is now the Secretary of Organization of the Andalusian PSOE, will not have to appear before the court in Jaén as he is a member of the regional parliament and therefore has parliamentary immunity. Viedma was appointed as the number two in the Andalusian socialists in January, replacing Noel López. Sources from the PSOE in Jaén indicate that none of the three party officials have received the new summons to testify as suspects. The Socialist Party expresses its “full and absolute willingness to collaborate with justice, as has always been done in this matter, as well as to reaffirm the conviction that the individuals summoned have always acted within the strictest legality.” Following the complaint by the PSOE, the National Police initiated the so-called Operation Pandilla, which investigated the alleged vote-buying scheme in which the socialists pointed to two PP councilors. However, the investigation led to the arrest of two other individuals, without political positions, who were released pending charges. The charges against the two popular councilors were dismissed last November, and they took legal action against the PSOE for allegedly filing a false report.

(2000 palabras)

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