Suzanne Ogle, the President and CEO of the Southern Gas Association, believes that women are making significant strides in the energy industry, taking on leadership roles and contributing to its growth and evolution. Despite the progress, the power and utilities industry still has a long way to go to achieve gender parity in C-suite positions, executive roles, and board positions. In light of International Women’s Day, Ogle emphasizes the importance of inclusion and diversity in business, as diverse perspectives and voices are essential for navigating challenges and driving innovation and change.

Ogle shares three key traits that she believes are essential for effective leaders, regardless of gender: confidence and courage to stretch beyond comfort zones, the ability to make decisions despite imperfect information, and trust from their team. Women leaders provide additional value to executive teams as they have often had to advocate for themselves, embrace strategic risks, and develop their voice in male-dominated environments. Ogle highlights the importance of visibility and networking for rising women leaders, as well as creating opportunities for others to succeed in the industry.

Women face obstacles in finding their voice and being heard in the workplace, often having their ideas dismissed or claimed by male colleagues. However, through developing effective communication skills, understanding their audience, and building influence and trust, women can overcome these challenges and make valuable contributions to their organizations. Ogle encourages rising women leaders to advocate for themselves, build strong networks, and create opportunities for others to succeed by leveraging their own influence and vision.

Overall, Ogle believes that inclusion and diversity are crucial for driving innovation and change in the business world, as leaders must navigate challenges and question assumptions to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. By promoting gender parity and providing opportunities for women to lead and succeed, companies can benefit from diverse perspectives and voices that contribute to a more inclusive and successful business environment.

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