On Wednesday, a multitude of users experienced issues with Instagram and Facebook, with around 1,400 individuals reporting problems with Instagram and a further 100 with the Facebook app itself. DownDetector, a site that tracks outages, registered thousands of issues with Instagram at approximately 2.30 am UK time. Users trying to access Instagram were met with error messages stating “Something went wrong” and “there’s an issue and the page could not be loaded.” NetBlocks confirmed that Meta platforms, including Instagram and Facebook, were facing international outages unrelated to country-level disruptions or filtering. Many Twitter users also shared their struggles with the apps, with some unable to load their feeds.

DownDetector data revealed that over 70% of users facing Facebook issues were unable to access the platform, while most Instagram problems were linked to app and server connection issues. By 3 am on that day, more than 16,000 users had reported problems accessing Instagram. Users encountered error messages like “couldn’t refresh feed,” preventing them from scrolling through the app. Comments on DownDetector highlighted various troubles, from crashes and missing comments to the inability to switch between profiles or approve member requests for Facebook groups. Major cities worldwide experienced Instagram outages, although signs of relief emerged as some users reported that the app was functioning again.

As of 3.53 am UK time, MetaStatus.com reported disruptions in the Messenger API for Instagram but assured users that login capabilities for WhatsApp, Messenger, and Facebook remained intact. Despite no official statement from Meta, users rejoiced as Instagram started working again, with some revealing their relief on social media platforms. The ongoing outage prompted frustration among individuals reliant on the platforms for everyday use. However, updates are expected to come from Meta or its affiliated platforms as they work to resolve the technical issues. This developing story signifies the impact of social media platforms on global connectivity and communication in modern society. The situation highlights the delicate balance between reliance on technology and the potential for unexpected disruptions that can affect millions of users worldwide.

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