Police have defended their use of force at an anti-war rally held outside the Land Forces Expo in Melbourne, citing the need to maintain order and enforce the law. The protest turned violent, with police resorting to using foam baton rounds, flashbang grenades, and pepper spray on protesters who were pelting them with missiles such as bottles filled with liquid, rocks, and horse manure. Some officers were spat at and sprayed with a liquid irritant, including acid. The forceful tactics were deemed necessary to protect attendees of the expo and maintain public safety.

Despite the police intervention, 33 individuals were arrested for a range of offenses including assault on police officers, obstruction of police duties, hindering law enforcement, arson, assault on others, and blocking roadways. Additionally, 24 officers required medical attention as a result of the clashes. Police expressed dismay at the behavior of some of the protesters, emphasizing that their actions were unacceptable and endangered the welfare of both police and attendees. Despite the use of force, none of the police horses were seriously injured, though they were targeted with missiles as well.

The protest attracted approximately 1200 people, with tensions quickly escalating into violence as demonstrators clashed with law enforcement. The aggressive actions of some protesters led police to respond with force, including the deployment of non-lethal weapons such as foam baton rounds, flashbang grenades, and pepper spray. Protesters were seen spraying liquid at police, who were subjected to various projectiles including acid. The tumultuous events resulted in dozens of arrests and multiple injuries among officers, illustrating the intensity of the confrontations.

In the aftermath of the anti-war rally, concerns were raised over the use of force by police and the response to the escalating violence. Despite efforts to maintain order and uphold the law, the clashes between protesters and law enforcement led to a significant number of arrests and injuries among both parties. Police defended their actions, stating that they were necessary in order to protect the safety of attendees at the Land Forces Expo and to prevent further escalation of the situation. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by law enforcement in managing large-scale protests and maintaining public order in the face of civil unrest.

The tense interactions between protesters and police highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding anti-war demonstrations and the use of force by authorities. The violent clashes at the Land Forces Expo in Melbourne underscore the volatile nature of such events and the challenges faced by law enforcement in responding to escalating situations. Despite efforts to contain the protest and ensure public safety, the confrontations resulted in injuries, arrests, and heightened tensions between protesters and police. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the complexities involved in managing protests and maintaining order in the face of civil unrest.

Overall, the anti-war rally at the Land Forces Expo in Melbourne was marred by violent clashes between protesters and police, resulting in dozens of arrests and injuries among both demonstrators and law enforcement officers. The use of force by police, including foam baton rounds, flashbang grenades, and pepper spray, was defended as necessary to maintain public safety and prevent further escalation of the situation. The incident highlights the challenges faced by authorities in managing large-scale protests and underscores the need for effective communication and de-escalation tactics to prevent violence and ensure the safety of all involved.

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