The speaker is referencing a previous agreement with Albania that involved the transfer of Albanian territory, which would fall under Italian and European jurisdiction. They argue that if there is a belief that this agreement constitutes a violation, it is due to a misunderstanding of international law or a contradiction within oneself. The speaker emphasizes that their actions are in accordance with international law.

The mention of a possible cession of Albanian territory under Italian and European jurisdiction suggests a complex and potentially controversial agreement between the two countries. The speaker’s assertion that they are following international law implies that they believe their actions are justified within the framework of legal norms governing relations between nations.

The speaker’s statement also seems to imply a level of confidence in their interpretation of international law and the validity of the agreement with Albania. They position themselves as adhering to legal standards while questioning the understanding or motivations of those who may see their actions as problematic.

The reference to a possible violation or misunderstanding of international law suggests a potential disagreement or controversy surrounding the agreement with Albania. The speaker’s assertion that they are upholding the law may be an attempt to preempt criticism or defend their position in the face of possible opposition.

Overall, the statement reveals a complex and potentially sensitive diplomatic issue involving the cession of Albanian territory and the application of international law. The speaker’s declaration of compliance with legal norms and their critique of those who may question their actions suggests a determination to defend their position and uphold the terms of the agreement with Albania. The speaker’s response also raises questions about the nature and implications of the agreement between Italy and Albania, as well as the broader context of international relations and legal frameworks governing territorial disputes.

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