Istanbul Police Department Traffic Control Branch teams started an investigation based on the social media posts claiming that the military convoy blocked the road. The teams managed to obtain the license plate information of the vehicles that were obstructing traffic flow while a military farewell convoy was taking place on Osmangazi Avenue. Police officers were able to apprehend the drivers O.G, E.A, and F.Ş, as well as individuals M.Ö, M.G, E.İ, M.İ. and F.G who were endangering traffic safety.

These individuals were fined a total of 18,318 liras for various offenses such as “driving in a way that would obstruct the progress of other vehicles,” “using a vehicle disrespectfully,” “failing to comply with traffic safety and order regulations as well as other rules, bans, obligations or duties specified in the regulations,” “forming a convoy,” “stopping,” and “engaging in behaviors that would obstruct traffic on pedestrian roads.” Moreover, the driver’s license of F.Ş was permanently revoked due to their status as a learner driver exceeding 75 penalty points.

Furthermore, criminal proceedings were initiated against O.G, F.Ş, and E.A. under the charge of “endangering traffic safety.” It is essential for law enforcement agencies to take swift action against individuals who disregard traffic rules and endanger the safety of others on the road. The fines imposed on the individuals who obstructed traffic flow during the military convoy serve as a deterrent to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. By holding these individuals accountable for their actions, authorities are sending a clear message that traffic violations will not be tolerated in Istanbul.

Ensuring the safety and smooth flow of traffic is a top priority for the Istanbul Police Department, and they are committed to enforcing traffic rules and regulations diligently. The measures taken against individuals who disrupt traffic flow and endanger the safety of others demonstrate the seriousness with which traffic violations are treated in the city. It is crucial for all drivers to adhere to traffic laws and regulations to prevent accidents and maintain order on the roads. By cracking down on traffic offenders, authorities aim to create a safer environment for all road users in Istanbul.

The public response on social media regarding the incident shows the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring that traffic rules are followed at all times. It is crucial for drivers to be aware of their responsibilities on the road and to prioritize the safety of themselves and others. By taking a firm stance against those who violate traffic laws, law enforcement agencies are sending a clear message that reckless driving and endangering traffic safety will not be tolerated in Istanbul. Hopefully, these measures will lead to improved compliance with traffic regulations and ultimately contribute to a safer road environment for everyone.

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