Lady Luck may have left the building, but your chances of getting lucky on Friday the 13th are still pretty good. This day is often associated with a sense of general unease and fear due to its unlucky reputation, dating back to Nordic folklore. The myth states that the trickster god Loki orchestrated the death of Balder the Beautiful, leading to grief and bad vibes about the number thirteen. In Christian tradition, Friday the 13th is linked to ominous events such as the Last Supper, the crucifixion of Jesus, and other unfortunate occurrences like the deaths of individuals like Cain, Abel, and Tupac Shakur.

Throughout history, Friday the 13th has been marked by various negative events, leading to a deep-rooted fear of this date. The phobia of Friday the 13th is known as paraskavedekatriaphobia and friggatriskaidekaphobia. In astrology, Friday belongs to Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and attraction. This year, Venus will be in Libra on Friday the 13th, amplifying energies related to love, beauty, and reception. This transit creates a peak time to call in desires and engage in activities related to love and attraction.

On Friday the 13th, Venus will also be conjunct with Black Moon Lilith (BML), representing a blend of conventional attraction and taboo desires. Libra symbolizes conventional appetites while BML represents the shadow side of human sexuality and our deepest desires. This conjunction encourages expression, experimentation, and owning what makes us feel vital and powerful. It is a time to honor physical pleasure, speak the truth, and embrace the themes of release and transformation associated with the upcoming eclipse.

Astrologer Reda Wigle provides insights on planetary configurations and their effects on different zodiac signs. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences. Friday the 13th may evoke horror movie vibes, but it can also be a time to tap into the anticipatory energy and curiosity surrounding this date to enhance and enjoy all aspects of life. Whether it’s role-playing, indulging in creativity, or embracing your desires, Friday the 13th can be a powerful time for growth, expression, and transformation both in personal relationships and other areas of life.

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