This week in the night sky, there are several celestial highlights to look out for. On Monday, April 22, the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower will occur, with about 20 shooting stars per hour visible. However, the bright waxing gibbous moon may make them difficult to see. The 99%-lit moon will also be shining next to the star Spica in the constellation Virgo during dusk.

On Tuesday, April 23, the full “Pink Moon” will rise at 23:48 UTC/7:48 p.m. EDT. This full moon, also known as the “Egg Moon,” will mark the first day of the Jewish festival of Passover. It will be best seen at moonrise, with Spica above it. Later in the week, on Friday, April 26, a waning gibbous moon will be located just below the red supergiant star Antares in the constellation Scorpius.

The highlight of the week will occur on Sunday, April 28, with a close conjunction between Mars and Neptune. This rare event will see the red planet and the blue giant planet passing just 0.04 degrees from each other. This conjunction will be visible an hour before sunrise in the eastern sky, although binoculars and a telescope may be needed to see it clearly. Neptune will be situated just above Mars, with Saturn also visible in the vicinity.

The constellation of the week is Coma Berenices, a small L-shaped constellation located between Boötes, the Big Dipper, and Leo. The brightest star in this constellation, Beta Comae Berenices, is just 30 light-years away. Binoculars can reveal the Coma Star Cluster, also known as Melotte 111, which is approximately 288 light-years distant. For the most accurate location-specific information on celestial events, online planetariums like Stellarium and The Sky Live can be consulted.

Overall, this week offers a variety of celestial events and sights to observe in the night sky. From meteor showers to planetary conjunctions, there is something for both novice stargazers and seasoned astronomers to enjoy. Remember to check for specific times and dates for your location to ensure the best viewing experience.

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