After two cool weeks, temperatures began to climb on Wednesday, leading to a hot weekend in central and southern Spain, where temperatures exceeding 32°C, even reaching 34°C and as high as 36°C in the Guadalquivir valley, such as in Córdoba. These high temperatures, as stated by Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), “will continue in the following days in these areas, although from Sunday in the northern third of the country the weather will be cooler.” This “intense heat for this time of year,” with maximum temperatures 5° to 10° higher than normal in the south, more typical of late June or early July, is expected to continue until Thursday or Friday. Although they will be “the first significant heat in much of the country,” it will not be considered a heatwave. “Higher maximum temperatures would be needed,” clarifies Del Campo. Rainfall will be scarce, except in the Cantabrian and Pyrenees regions, and some late afternoon thunderstorms in mountainous areas.

After temperatures reached 32°C in Seville and 33°C in Montoro (Córdoba) on Thursday, temperatures will rise again on Friday in most of Spain, except near the Mediterranean. Once again, temperatures will exceed 30°C in the south of the Peninsula and 32°C in the Guadalquivir valley. In the afternoon, storms will form in the northeast, Catalonia, and northern Aragon, which may be locally intense, according to the Aemet spokesperson. The weekend is “expected to see anticyclonic weather,” meaning sunny and stable. On Saturday, there will continue to be a rise in temperatures in much of Spain, although temperatures will “drop significantly” in western Galicia. Temperatures will reach 30°C in the south, with the Guadalquivir almost reaching 35°C, as well as in the Ebro valley and central areas. Rainfall will be very scarce, with some showers expected in Galicia, Asturias, and the northwest of Castilla y León.

On Sunday, northerly winds will blow in the Cantabrian area, causing a significant drop in temperatures, which could be up to 8°C. It will be a cool day in the region, with temperatures of 18-20°C and some showers. In the rest of the country, temperatures will continue to rise, especially in the eastern Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Temperatures in the Ebro valley will reach 34°C and in Córdoba, 36°C. In the rest of the central and southern areas, maximum temperatures will be between 30°C and 34°C. It will not only be hot during the day: “The early morning will also be warm, and in Andalusia, it could start the day with minimum temperatures of 20°C in some areas, known as tropical nights.”

On Monday, temperatures will continue to drop in the northern third, while remaining unchanged in the rest of Spain. It will be a cool day in the Cantabrian regions, Alto Ebro, and the Pyrenees. Cities like Vitoria, Burgos, and Oviedo will barely reach 15°C, more typical of early April than late May. On the other hand, in much of the central and southern regions temperatures will exceed 32°C, reaching 34°C in the Guadalquivir, with tropical nights once again in Andalusia. It will also be hot for this time of year in Mallorca and large parts of Catalonia, where temperatures will exceed 30°C. The possibility of showers in the northern regions will continue, with isolated showers in mountainous areas. Starting from Tuesday and over the following days, temperatures may rise again, intensifying the heat. Tropical nights will extend to the southern half, with temperatures possibly exceeding 34°C not only in the Guadalquivir but also in other areas in the south and central regions.

In the Canary Islands, there will be trade winds over the next few days, blowing strongly in exposed areas and bringing some drizzle to the mountainous islands. Temperatures will be mild, with nighttime temperatures between 18°C and 2°C and daytime temperatures between 23°C and 25°C in coastal areas. Rainfall will be scarce, and in case of any, it will be isolated showers in mountainous areas. Towards the end of the week, there could be a drop in temperatures. The upcoming days will see maximum temperatures 5 to 10°C higher than average for this time of year, exceeding 30°C and even reaching 35°C in the Ebro, Tagus, Guadiana, and Guadalquivir valleys.

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