The latest popular meal trend for summer has been dubbed the “girl dinner”, consisting of a Caesar salad, french fries, and a dirty martini. This trio has gained attention on social media and has been deemed the “NYC happy meal” by some content creators. The combination has been praised by many for its versatility and satisfying nature, with some restaurants even promoting it as the “perfect bar trio”.

For some, the appeal of the girl dinner lies in its simplicity and ability to cater to individual preferences. Cookbook author Emily Lycopolus prefers multiple salads, sharing fries, and dessert with friends during a night out. This allows everyone to enjoy their favorite dishes while creating a relaxed and enjoyable dining experience. The Caesar salad provides a light yet fulfilling main component, the fries are perfect for casual nibbling, and the dirty martini adds a sophisticated touch to the meal.

Even though the components of the girl dinner may seem basic, their flavors and textures complement each other well. The assertive dressing of the Caesar salad pairs perfectly with the salty parmesan and earthy notes of gin in the dirty martini. According to spice expert Caitlin PenzeyMoog, even mediocre restaurants can typically pull off this combination, making it a go-to choice for those looking for a reliable and convenient meal.

While the traditional girl dinner often includes a dirty martini, those who prefer not to drink alcohol or are avoiding it may opt for a Diet Coke instead. Regardless of the beverage choice, the trio of salad, fries, and drink offers a certain satisfaction that some believe men may never fully understand. The simplicity and elegance of the girl dinner have captured the attention of many, with some even quoting a well-known saying that suggests this meal can cure any sadness.

The combination of a Caesar salad, french fries, and dirty martini has become a popular choice for many looking for a satisfying and enjoyable meal. The trio’s versatility, simplicity, and ability to cater to individual preferences have made it a favorite among social media users and restaurant-goers. Whether enjoyed at a casual gathering with friends or as a quick bite at a local eatery, the girl dinner offers a unique and delightful dining experience that resonates with many.

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