The Green Party has released its European election program, focusing on climate protection and social justice. The program outlines the party’s commitment to a sustainable and fair Europe, with emphasis on environmental policies. One of the key points is the Green New Deal, which aims to shift towards renewable energies and create millions of jobs in the process. The party also seeks to strengthen democratic institutions and fight against right-wing extremism.

Additionally, the Greens are pushing for more investment in public transportation and the expansion of renewable energies. They also want to prioritize the fight against tax evasion and address the growing wealth gap in European society. The party is calling for a “just transition” to a more sustainable economy, with a focus on protecting workers in industries affected by the shift towards renewable energies. The Greens also want to strengthen the European Union and promote international solidarity.

The program also includes proposals to increase gender equality, protect biodiversity, and ensure fair trade practices. The Greens are advocating for a European minimum wage, as well as measures to close the gender pay gap. They are also calling for stronger protection for endangered species and habitats, and for the implementation of sustainable agriculture practices. The party is committed to promoting fair trade agreements that prioritize environmental and social standards.

In terms of foreign policy, the Greens are advocating for a more peace-oriented approach, with a focus on disarmament and conflict prevention. They want to strengthen the EU’s role as a mediator in international conflicts and prioritize diplomacy over military interventions. The party also aims to address the root causes of migration by promoting economic development and human rights in countries of origin. Overall, the Greens are presenting a comprehensive and forward-thinking program that addresses pressing issues facing Europe and the world.

The party’s European election program has received praise from environmental and social justice groups, who see the Greens as a strong advocate for progressive policies. However, there are concerns about the feasibility of some of the proposed measures, particularly in terms of funding and implementation. Critics argue that the Green New Deal may be too ambitious and expensive to achieve in the short term. Despite these challenges, the Greens remain committed to their vision of a sustainable and fair Europe, and will continue to push for their policies in the upcoming elections.

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