The Directorate of Security Department of the Province launched an operation in the Baglar district under the name of “Rooster Protection Association” after receiving information that Indian roosters were being forced to fight. Police officers who entered as spectators found that rooster fights were taking place and bets were being placed.

During the operation, 7 individuals identified as A.G, M.I, A.B, A.A, H.Y, C.Y, and S.A were arrested under the Animal Protection Law No. 5199. 16 Indian roosters were seized along with 41,000 TL in cash, and a so-called trophy was confiscated. In addition, a total of 295,470 TL in fines were imposed on 46 people involved in the illegal activity.

The operation revealed a disturbing underground world where roosters were being used for fighting and gambling. The arrests made and fines imposed send a strong message against animal cruelty and illegal betting activities in the region. The seized roosters will likely be taken into protective custody and cared for by authorities.

Animal rights activists have praised the efforts of the police in cracking down on the illegal rooster fighting ring. Such activities not only exploit animals for human entertainment but also often involve illegal gambling and contribute to a culture of violence. The arrests and fines imposed serve as a warning to those involved in similar activities in the future.

The successful operation by the police has led to the rescue of 16 roosters and the prevention of further exploitation and suffering. Authorities are continuing their efforts to educate the public about animal protection laws and the consequences of engaging in illegal activities. The case serves as a reminder that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in any form in society.

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