In a heartwarming story from Istanbul, Turkey, a 13-year-old boy named Muhammed Emir Kendir dropped 500 liras while on his way to school in the Eyüpsultan Yeşilpınar neighborhood. Three young female students passing by found the money and decided to take it to a nearby internet cafe in hopes of returning it to its rightful owner. They pushed the money through the cafe’s door and left a note for the boy who had lost it. The heartwarming moment was captured on the cafe’s security cameras.

The owner of the internet cafe, Nezih Ünsal, discovered the money inside his shop when he arrived to open it. After watching the security camera footage, he saw the three girls finding and returning the money. He read the note they left behind and contacted Muhammed Emir Kendir’s father, Abbas Kendir, to inform him that his son’s lost money had been found. The father expressed gratitude towards the girls for their honesty and their parents for raising them with such values.

Muhammed Emir Kendir later explained that he had dropped his money and that the girls had informed him that they had found it and left it at the internet cafe. Nezih Ünsal, the cafe owner, was moved by the girls’ actions and commended them for their honesty and kindness in returning the money. He expressed his emotions at witnessing such a selfless act during these challenging times, and the importance of teaching children the value of honesty and integrity.

Abbas Kendir, Muhammed Emir’s father, thanked the teachers at his son’s school for their role in instilling such values in the children. He commended the girls’ parents for raising them to do the right thing and expressed gratitude for the note they left behind with the money. One of the girls, Seher Tuana Açıkgöz, shared that they found the money in front of the cafe and decided to return it by pushing it through the door. She emphasized that they simply did what was right and felt proud of their actions.

The heartwarming story of these young girls’ honesty and integrity in returning lost money to its rightful owner serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. In a world filled with negativity and dishonesty, their actions remind us of the importance of kindness and integrity. The community has come together to celebrate their selfless act, and the girls’ parents are praised for raising children who embody such values. This story serves as a reminder that the future is bright when young people are raised with principles of honesty, kindness, and empathy.

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