The upcoming Basque elections on April 21 are shaping up to be the most competitive since 1980, with no clear frontrunner between the PNV and Bildu according to most polls. The support of the Socialists, who are expected to be the third force, will be crucial in forming a government. The parties are running with new faces leading their campaigns. Imanol Pradales (PNV) is set to succeed Iñigo Urkullu as lehendakari, with a background in politics and a commitment to the Basque language and culture. Pello Otxandiano (EH Bildu) is a seasoned political figure within the party, with a focus on strategic decisions and growth within EH Bildu.

Eneko Andueza (PSE) is a socialist candidate with a history in local politics and a commitment to a unified and inclusive Euskadi. Miren Gorrotxategi (Podemos) is advocating for a strategic alliance of the left in the Basque Country, with a strong focus on public services and the Basque language. Alba García Martín (Sumar) is the youngest candidate, with a background in anti-racism activism and community development work in Senegal. Javier de Andrés (PP) is a seasoned politician with experience in regional and central government, aiming to bring the PP back to the forefront of Basque politics. Amaia Martínez (Vox) is a vocal critic of nationalism and advocate for tougher measures on illegal immigration and security.

Imanol Pradales, the PNV candidate, has a background in economics and infrastructure, with a strong commitment to Basque culture and language. Pello Otxandiano, representing EH Bildu, has a history within the party and a focus on expanding their institutional presence. Eneko Andueza, from the PSE, brings experience in local government and a dedication to a unified Basque identity. Miren Gorrotxategi, of Podemos, is advocating for a left-wing alliance and emphasizing public services. Alba García Martín, the youngest candidate, is a community developer with a focus on anti-racism efforts. Javier de Andrés, of the PP, aims to bring the party back to the forefront of Basque politics. Amaia Martínez, from Vox, is a vocal critic of nationalism and advocate for tougher security measures.

The upcoming Basque elections are crucial for the future governance of the region, with a diverse range of candidates representing different political ideologies and approaches. The competition is fierce, with no clear frontrunner at this stage. The outcome of the elections will have a significant impact on the political landscape of the Basque Country and the direction it takes in the coming years. Each candidate brings their unique background and priorities to the table, offering voters a choice in shaping the future of the region. The campaign period will be a time for candidates to showcase their platforms and engage with voters on key issues facing the Basque community.

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