Senator for life Liliana Segre criticizes the premiership. In her speech in the Chamber, she said: “I still believe that reforming the Constitution is not a real necessity for our country. The drastic rejections that voters expressed in the constitutional referendums of 2006 and 2016 suggest that my conviction is not so unique. I also continue to believe that we should strive to enact the existing Constitution. And above all, to respect it. I confess, for example, that I am surprised that those elected by the people – of every color – do not react to the systematic and inveterate abuse of legislative authority by governments, in cases that are not extraordinarily necessary and urgent.”

Segre’s comments reflect a deep concern for the state of democracy in Italy and a belief in the importance of upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution. She highlights the need for elected officials to respond to the abuse of power by governments and to prioritize the implementation of existing laws rather than focusing on constitutional reforms. By pointing out the lack of urgency in certain legislative actions, Segre raises important questions about the priorities of the government and the responsibilities of elected officials to the people they represent.

The rejection of constitutional reforms in past referendums further underscores the sentiment that many Italians share Segre’s view that the current Constitution is sufficient and that efforts should be directed towards its implementation rather than a complete overhaul. The lack of response from elected officials to abuses of power by governments suggests a disconnect between the political elite and the concerns of the general population. Segre’s critique of the premiership is a call to action for all those in power to recommit themselves to upholding the rule of law and respecting the constitutional rights of citizens.

Segre’s emphasis on the need for elected officials, regardless of political affiliation, to stand up against abuses of power by the government is a reminder of the importance of maintaining checks and balances in a democracy. Her remarks serve as a wake-up call to those in power to prioritize the interests of the people over political expediency and to hold themselves accountable to the principles of the Constitution. By speaking out against the systematic abuses of legislative authority, Segre is advocating for a more transparent and accountable government that truly serves the needs of the people.

In conclusion, Liliana Segre’s critique of the premiership and her call for greater respect for the existing Constitution highlight the importance of upholding democratic principles and holding elected officials accountable for their actions. Her remarks serve as a reminder that the rule of law and the rights of citizens should be paramount in a democracy, and that governments must act in the best interests of the people they serve. By speaking out against abuses of power and advocating for greater transparency and accountability, Segre is urging all those in power to recommit themselves to the values of democracy and the rule of law.

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