The life-size walking Gundam in Yokohama has closed its doors to the public, marking the end of a popular attraction. The Gundam, known as RX-78F00, was a custom variant of the original RX-78-2 Gundam. While it didn’t technically walk, the engineering expertise involved in getting the giant robot to move was impressive.

The closing ceremony for the walking Gundam on March 31st was a grand affair, featuring fireworks, music, and a spectacular drone light show. Fans had the opportunity to witness this special event before the Gundam was officially retired. Despite its closure, there are still other life-size Gundam statues to visit in different parts of Asia.

Some of the other life-size Gundams include the Unicorn Gundam in Tokyo, the Nu Gundam in Fukuoka, and the Freedom Gundam in Shanghai. These statues continue to attract fans and enthusiasts from all over the world. However, there are hopes for a life-size Gundam to be brought to a location outside of Asia in the future, adding to the global appeal of the iconic robot.

As the walking Gundam is put to rest, fans can still enjoy visiting the static life-size Gundam statues that are spread across various locations. The popularity of Gundam continues to grow, with enthusiasts following updates on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Toy reviews and other Gundam-related content can also be found on sites like Mecha Damashii and

The impressive engineering and design of the walking Gundam left a lasting impression on fans who were able to see it in person during its time in Yokohama. While the Gundam may no longer be in operation, its legacy lives on through the memories of those who experienced it firsthand. As the world eagerly awaits news of future life-size Gundam projects, the iconic robot remains an enduring symbol of creativity and innovation in the world of entertainment.

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