Kate Hudson views exercise as a way of life and emphasizes the importance of movement in her daily routine. She enjoys a variety of activities from hot yoga to biking, skiing, walking, and hiking. Hudson sees working out as a way to clear her mind and get oxygen to her brain, rather than just focusing on physical appearance. Her balanced mindset extends to her approach to eating as well, as she dislikes the idea of dieting and instead emphasizes a lifestyle change for better health.

Prioritizing strength training has been a game-changer for Hudson, who previously did not focus on this aspect of fitness. Through working with a personal trainer, she has incorporated a range of exercises such as planks, lunges, and bodyweight squats to build strength and balance into her routine. She also continues to enjoy Pilates, a workout that she has responded to well since the age of 19. Hudson advocates for finding a workout that suits each individual’s needs and preferences, emphasizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness.

Hudson has a deep passion for food and nutrition, emphasizing the importance of understanding what you put into your body and why. She uses apps like MyFitnessPal to track her meals and nutrients, as she believes that food is a crucial component of overall health and well-being. The actress also sees an active lifestyle as a privilege, choosing to view exercise as a way to feel strong and healthy rather than a chore. She is open to trying different types of workouts, from pole dancing to dancing and hiking, to keep her routine interesting and challenging.

As a mother, Hudson is passing on her love for fitness to her children, showing them that honoring and taking care of their bodies is a gift. She believes in moderation when it comes to food and drinks, preferring not to eliminate entire food groups or be an extremist with her diet. Instead, she eats accordingly during the day to balance out indulgences and enjoys a variety of foods. Hudson also emphasizes the importance of having a support system to help achieve health and wellness goals, recognizing that having access to support is crucial for many individuals on their fitness journey.

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