Thirty years ago, Miguel Teixidor de Otto from Jávea had to rely on migrant labor to dig a three-meter deep and half-meter wide trench in front of his house, as no locals were willing to do the job. He emphasizes the importance of migrant workers in keeping Europe functioning, from transportation to healthcare to infrastructure. Teixidor de Otto also calls for respect and compensation for migrants, considering the historical harm caused by Europeans in America, Africa, and Asia.

Ana Medina from Granada reflects on the pressure society puts on us to find life-changing experiences in everything we do. She argues that it is important to appreciate the simple and peaceful moments in life, rather than constantly seeking something grand and eternal. Medina highlights the need to find contentment in the small things that bring us happiness and peace, rather than constantly chasing after unattainable ideals.

Aina Illa from Sant Esteve de Palautordera discusses the invasion of privacy that comes with living in a digitized world. She shares her frustration with receiving unsolicited phone calls from commercial organizations, disrupting personal and professional moments. Illa calls for clear boundaries to be established in terms of data collection and usage in order to protect both privacy and quality of life in the modern world.

Iker Iñarritu Ruiz from Portugalete reflects on the power of words as both a tool for creation and destruction. He observes the negative impact of the misuse of language by public figures, leading to a culture of hate and division on social media platforms. Ruiz questions how society can combat this trend when those in positions of leadership fail to set a positive example, causing harm not only to institutions but also to the fabric of society.

In conclusion, these letters to the editor submitted to EL PAÍS highlight the diverse concerns and reflections of individuals across Spain. From the importance of migrant labor to the value of finding peace in simplicity, from the need for privacy protection to the impact of language on societal divisions, these writers touch on various aspects of modern life. They call for a reevaluation of our priorities and behaviors in order to cultivate a more respectful, balanced, and harmonious society.

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