The White House and top congressional Democrats are strategizing various moves to strengthen border security ahead of the first presidential debate, which may include rolling out a sweeping executive order limiting migrants’ ability to seek asylum, revisiting a bipartisan border bill, and possibly sending President Joe Biden to the border. Border arrests have decreased this year due to Mexico’s increased enforcement efforts, prompting the White House to focus on the politically charged issue of immigration. Discussions have been held about a potential border visit by Biden, which would be his second this year and third overall since taking office.

White House officials are in talks with Senate Democrats about reviving a border policy package that failed to advance earlier this year, as they look for ways to address the situation at the border. New guidance and regulations have been implemented to tighten the immigration system and dissuade migrants from journeying north. The administration has also imposed visa restrictions on Nicaraguan officials involved in facilitating irregular migration. Plans for a sweeping executive action that would restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border are being considered, reminiscent of actions taken during the Trump era.

The administration is grappling with record migration across the Western hemisphere, which has overwhelmed federal resources and resulted in thousands of migrants at the US-Mexico border. Mexico has increased operations to prevent smuggling and movement to the border, working with US authorities to address the situation. While border encounters have decreased in recent months, officials are preparing for a potential rise in border crossings in the summer and are bolstering the immigration team to respond to any surge.

Uncertainty looms due to the upcoming election in Mexico, raising questions about potential changes in border cooperation at a critical moment. US and Mexican officials are maintaining regular communication and cooperation to stem migration flows. Both Biden and Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador have ordered their national security teams to work together to reduce irregular border crossings while protecting human rights. A new administration in Mexico is expected to continue cooperation with the US on migration, but challenges remain as more migrants arrive from further south.

Overall, the Biden administration is working on various fronts to address border security challenges, including policy changes, executive actions, and cooperation with Mexico. Efforts are being made to dissuade migrants from making the journey to the US, anticipate potential surges in border crossings, and strengthen the immigration team. The administration is aiming to keep the focus on addressing the issue of migration and showing voters that they are taking action to secure the border and manage the situation effectively.

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