Laurence Tubiana, an economist and diplomat, had her name proposed as a candidate for Prime Minister by the New Popular Front (NFP), a left-wing alliance. However, her candidacy faced opposition within the NFP, with La France insoumise (LFI) deeming her too “Macron-compatible.” After a week of negotiations, Tubiana decided to step back from the candidacy, wishing the alliance success in finding a suitable candidate for Matignon. Despite this, there is still some hope for a potential consensus or majority agreement on her candidacy in the future.

Following the results of the second round of legislative elections, where the NFP emerged as the leading party with a relative majority, Tubiana had expressed her readiness to take on the role of Prime Minister if needed. Her willingness to serve in a time of political crisis was stated publicly after the election for the presidency of the National Assembly. Despite her initial willingness to be a candidate, the opposition within the NFP and particularly from the LFI led her to take a step back from the race which had seemed promising at first.

Communication expert Denis Pingaud believed that Laurence Tubiana made a mistake by not realizing the lack of acceptance her candidacy faced from the LFI shortly after advocating for a coalition government. Additionally, her delay in addressing these concerns and the timing of her communication, which coincided with the election for the presidency of the National Assembly, had little impact. Ultimately, Tubiana’s potential candidacy for Prime Minister was no longer viable, and the NFP was left with limited options for a suitable candidate.

Among the remaining options for the NFP’s candidate for Prime Minister is Huguette Bello, the President of the Regional Council of La Réunion. The LFI, particularly Fabien Roussel, had been pushing for Bello as their preferred choice for the position. Despite some resistance from the PS due to Bello’s close relationship with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the LFI, there was a belief that a consensus could be reached around her candidacy. The potential selection of Bello as the NFP candidate for Prime Minister seemed to be the closest to a resolution for the alliance, according to some negotiators.

Overall, the NFP faced a setback in their efforts to agree on a candidate for Prime Minister, with Laurence Tubiana withdrawing from consideration due to opposition within the alliance. The search for a suitable candidate resumed after a week of suspension in negotiations, with Huguette Bello emerging as a potential option despite some reservations from certain parties. The challenges in reaching a consensus highlighted the complexities and divisions within the left-wing alliance as they sought to form a unified front ahead of major political decisions.

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