The weeks-long standoff at Columbia University escalated in a dramatic finale as New York City police officers in riot gear gathered south of the east gate of the Ivy League school where pro-Palestinian protesters stood defiantly. The protests had begun in April with students setting up tents on campus, demanding a cease-fire in Gaza and divestment from corporations profiting from the war. After protesters took over Hamilton Hall, NYPD officers were called in by school administrators. The situation was described as being escalated by “professional outside agitators,” though only one person had been identified as possibly involved with the incident.

The confrontation at Columbia University ended with over 100 protesters being arrested, with 40 to 50 of them from Hamilton Hall, which was left in disarray. Police had also conducted a similar action at City College of New York, resulting in more arrests. The university stated that the takeover of Hamilton Hall was the final straw, leading to the police action. Protesters clashed with police officers on the streets outside Columbia, with officers using zip ties to arrest protesters who refused to disperse. As tensions escalated, police in riot gear arrived, and protesters tried unsuccessfully to prevent their advance.

Police eventually breached their own barricades and confronted protesters gathered by the east gate of the campus. Inside Hamilton Hall, protesters had barricaded themselves and were arrested as officers dismantled the barricades using flash-bang devices and armored vehicles. Protesters outside yelled at the police, while those arrested were taken away on buses to detention facilities. The scene outside Hamilton Hall saw protesters thinning out as they were confronted by police actions, with some verbal confrontations taking place.

Inside Hamilton Hall, protesters had barricaded the first floor with furniture, which police dismantled to arrest all the protesters there. Officers had to breach locked doors using tools to access the rooms inside the building. By 11 p.m., arrested protesters were seen being marched out of Hamilton Hall with their hands bound. Only two protesters were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Images showed the aftermath of the police action, with discarded items scattered around the building. Students who were trapped in their dorms during the police operation were later allowed to leave.

The standoff at Columbia University culminated in a confrontational and dramatic police operation as protesters clashed with officers and were eventually arrested. The university and city officials condemned the escalation of the situation, attributing it to outside agitators. Protesters were evicted from the campus buildings and faced charges of disorderly conduct. The aftermath of the police action saw the arrests of over 100 protesters and scenes of chaos as police cleared out the occupied buildings. The situation was resolved late at night, with students being allowed to leave their buildings and the arrested protesters being taken into custody.

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