Israel’s rescue of four hostages from Hamas in a daytime raid in Gaza has been described as a high-risk and complex mission by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The operation was meticulously planned and carried out by the National Police special anti-terror unit of Yamam and Shin Bet agents. The soldiers involved in the mission had undergone intense training for weeks in preparation. The hostages included Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, and Andrey Kozlov. One officer, Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, was critically injured and later died in the operation. The rescue took place in Nuseirat, where Hamas was believed to be holding hostages inside civilian buildings.

The Israeli forces simultaneously raided two Hamas buildings to rescue the hostages, as they believed that Hamas might harm the hostages in one building if they saw the other being attacked. The decision to carry out the mission during the day was to create an element of surprise as Hamas would not have expected it at that time. The operation involved exchanging gunfire with armed guards inside the buildings with the hostages. Zmora’s death was a tragic outcome of the mission, but Hagari described him as a warrior who gave his life to bring home the hostages alive. The hostages were taken to waiting helicopters, and amid gunfire and RPG fire, they were safely evacuated.

The operation was directed from a tense command room, with hundreds of Israeli warriors surrounding the area to carry out the rescue. Israeli forces faced resistance from armed guards and militants during the operation, resulting in under 100 Palestinian casualties. The IDF tried to minimize civilian casualties and used precise intelligence to ensure the success of the mission. Models of the buildings were built to practice the raid, and intelligence was gathered in multiple ways to support the operation. Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant praised the mission as one of the most heroic and extraordinary operations he had seen in his 47 years of service in the defense establishment.

The hostages were rescued from two different buildings in Nuseirat, where they had been held by Hamas. The operation was praised for its precision and complexity, with Israeli forces facing significant risks in their efforts to rescue the hostages. The nighttime raid was planned weeks in advance and involved intense training for the soldiers involved. The hostages were safely evacuated to waiting helicopters despite facing gunfire and RPG fire during the operation. Chief Inspector Zmora’s sacrifice was noted as he gave his life to bring the hostages home safely.

The IDF faced challenges during the operation, including resistance from armed guards and militants inside the buildings where the hostages were held. Hamas had been using civilians as shields and embedding militants with the hostages, leading to civilian casualties during the operation. The Israeli forces were prepared for these challenges and managed to successfully carry out the rescue mission. The operation was described as a surgical operation, requiring high levels of accuracy and precision to ensure the hostages’ safety. Despite the risks involved, the operation was successful, and the hostages were safely rescued.

Minister Gallant described the operation as one of the most heroic and extraordinary he had witnessed during his long service in the defense establishment. The cooperation and success of the operation were praised, highlighting the courage and dedication of the Israeli troops involved. The operation showcased the IDF’s ability to plan and execute complex missions under high-risk conditions. The hostages, including Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, and Andrey Kozlov, were safely rescued thanks to the bravery and skill of the Israeli forces involved in the operation.

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