President Biden and former President Trump have agreed to officially debate, with Biden accepting Trump’s open invitation to debate anytime, anywhere. However, the Biden campaign has placed several restrictions on the debate. They criticized the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) for making debates into huge spectacles with large audiences and stated that new debates should take place in a television studio with just the candidates and the moderator present. They argue that this format will be more focused on the interests of voters.

The Biden campaign has also demanded that the debate be one-on-one, with no third-party candidates allowed. This restricts individuals like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from participating, who has been shown to attract Democratic voters. Additionally, the Biden team has limited the number of major news outlets that can host the debate to networks like CNN, ABC, CBS, or Telemundo. This rule is aimed at ensuring that the hosting networks are acceptable to both campaigns.

Another requirement set by the Biden campaign is that candidate microphones must be muted once their allotted speaking time expires. They argue that this will promote adherence to the rules and ensure an orderly exchange of views rather than a spectacle of interruptions. The Biden team criticized the CPD for allowing extensive crosstalk and interruptions during the 2020 debates between Trump and Biden and wants to avoid a similar situation in future debates.

Despite these restrictions, Trump has accepted Biden’s debate offer, with the first encounter scheduled for June 27 to be hosted by CNN. Trump has suggested more than two debates and a very large venue for excitement purposes, although he noted that Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds. He has indicated his readiness to debate Biden and has called for a lively and engaging exchange between the two candidates. Trump encouraged Biden to follow through with the debate promise and expressed his willingness to participate at any proposed times.

Overall, the upcoming debates between Biden and Trump are shaping up to be highly anticipated events, with both candidates preparing to engage in a series of confrontations on important issues. The restrictions placed by the Biden campaign are aimed at creating a more focused and informative atmosphere for viewers, ensuring that the debates are beneficial to American voters. Despite the limitations set by the Biden team, Trump has accepted the debate offer, and both candidates are gearing up for what promises to be an engaging and lively exchange of ideas and viewpoints.

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