The Skift Global Forum will take place in New York this month, with a focus on the theme of “Travel’s Great Renewal” as the industry continues to recover from the pandemic. The event will feature exclusive interviews with top travel industry leaders, discussing key topics such as technology advancements, climate change, and the aftermath of New York City’s ban on Airbnb. Speakers will address how technology, particularly generative AI and real-time language translation, is revolutionizing the travel experience and changing the way travelers plan and experience their trips.

One of the key discussions at the forum will be the impact of technology and AI on the travel industry, with a focus on how these advancements are reshaping the way travelers interact with destinations and plan their trips. The potential game-changer effect of these technologies on travel planning and the in-destination experience will be explored, along with the ways in which companies are leveraging technology to meet the evolving demands of travelers. Panelists will also discuss the challenges and opportunities for the industry post-pandemic, including how travel is recovering and adapting in terms of technology, climate change, and consumer behavior.

Climate change and over-tourism are significant concerns for the industry, with popular travel destinations like Athens struggling to adapt to the increasing number of tourists. Cities are implementing measures like planting trees and installing cooling systems to address the infrastructure challenges created by over-tourism. New York City’s crackdown on short-term rentals, specifically Airbnb, has led to a decrease in listings, with many hosts switching to long-term rentals. This unintended consequence has benefited the hotel industry, which has seen a boom in business as a result.

Top industry leaders like Ariane Gorin from Expedia and Glenn Fogel from Booking Holdings will provide insights into the future of online travel, the distribution landscape, and long-term growth strategies in a post-pandemic world. Discussions will also focus on how companies can innovate and adapt to meet the shifting expectations of travelers, who are now seeking more authentic and eco-conscious experiences. The event will provide valuable insights into how the industry can continue to evolve and thrive in a changing landscape, addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Overall, the Skift Global Forum will offer a platform for industry leaders to discuss the current state of the travel industry, with a focus on the theme of “Travel’s Great Renewal.” The event will explore how technology, climate change, and shifting consumer behavior are shaping the future of travel, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the industry post-pandemic. Panelists will address key topics such as the impact of technology on travel planning, the consequences of over-tourism, and the aftermath of New York City’s ban on Airbnb, providing valuable insights and perspectives on the future of the industry.

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